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  • Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 07:00 PM
    Cedar Valley SportsPlex in Waterloo, IA

    December Central Committee Meeting

    Our next meeting will be December 12th at 7pm at the Cedar Valley Sportsplex (300 Jefferson St., Waterloo.)

    We will be re-convening our county convention to nominate a candidate for Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors. Please bring your photo ID for credentialing purposes.

    Our regular meeting will be held directly afterward.

    Agenda:  Goal is 1 hour and 45 minutes max for business meeting

    County Convention

    1. Call to order: 7PM
    2. Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
    3. Elect Permanent Chair
    4. Elect Permanent Secretary
    5. Accept Nominations for County Supervisor
    6. Nominee Speeches (3 min)
    7. Voting
    8. Count Vote and Announce Winner
    9. Adjourn

    Regular Meeting
    1. Call to order
    2. Pass the Hat
    3. Approval of agenda
    4. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
    5. Treasurer's Report
    6. Chair report
    7. Guests, Candidates, Representatives
    8. Committee reports
              a. Budget / Finance Committee
                         i. Present 2025 Annual Budget          
    9. New Business
    10. Announcements
    11. Adjournment NLT 8:45pm