We believe that the best government is smaller government – less costly, less overbearing, less bureaucratic, less confusing, less intrusive, and more responsive, therefore, we support the reduced size of government and its innumerable agencies.

  1. We encourage legal immigration with an effective vetting system, while eliminating the lottery system, chain migration, anchor babies, and access to entitlement programs for illegal immigrants.
  2. We believe a primary responsibility of federal government is assuring the constitutional rights of our citizens and the integrity of our national borders, including the completion of a border wall.
  3. Expedite deportation of illegal aliens who would not qualify for immigration status.
  4. We support stronger enforcement of laws against companies who deliberately circumvent immigration laws.
  5. We believe that all elected officials must exemplify professional integrity and be bound by the same rules, regulations, and laws as the general public.
  6. American English should be the national language of the United States for official documents.
  7. We support reasonable national term limits for federal officials.
  8. We support full periodic audits of the Federal Reserve Bank, and its removal if warranted.
  9. We support the Constitutional method of presidential election via the Electoral College.
  10. We support Iowa remaining “First in the Nation” for Presidential Caucuses and endorse the free use of taxpayer funded institutions for the caucuses.
  11. We support reforms to the Communications Decency Act (section 230) to add liability for content back to the publisher. We oppose ideological censorship by large social media platforms, such as Facebook (Meta), Twitter, or YouTube.
  12. We support the selection of senators as originally prescribed in the Constitution; therefore, we support rescinding the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution.
  13. We support maintaining the number of supreme court judges at nine and oppose packing the judicial system.
  14. We support ceding the District of Columbia back to its neighboring states to prevent it from becoming a state.
  15. We oppose omnibus bills containing hundreds or thousands of pages because they are an affront to common sense meant only to hide items that would not pass citizen scrutiny.
  16. “Sexual orientation” and “gender identity” should not be recognized as protected classes.