We believe that one of Government’s primary responsibilities is to maintain an adequate military force and militia. We recognize an obligation to provide leadership to the community of nations, both by example and by actively promoting policies which expand individual freedoms, eliminate global terrorist organizations, restrain aggressive rogue nations, and promote open markets around the world.

  1. We support political freedom for all people and condemn a nation’s intrusion into another sovereign country.
  2. We believe the United States of America is a sovereign nation and shall not be subject to any United Nations law/treaty concerning gun ownership, the free enterprise system, property rights, parental rights and educational preferences, or rights of the individual.
  3. We oppose global government initiatives such as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and its many local incarnations.
  4. We support the rights of citizens to travel freely without government scrutiny or impediment.
  5. We believe that non-citizens entering/threatening our sovereign territory accused of terrorist activity have no right to civil trials and since such activity is an act of war they must face military tribunals.
  6. We stress the need to protect and modernize our energy infrastructure from domestic and foreign threats and natural disasters.
  7. We reaffirm our commitment to the nation state of Israel, and support its right to exist and defend itself as an independent nation state. We support its claim to the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights.