How to prepare for your precinct caucus on Monday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm
What can you do to prepare for your precinct caucus?
1. Know your precinct -
2. Find your caucus location -
3. Arrive early - 6:15 pm so you can register, find your room and sign candidate petitions
4. Have ID & address documentation if not registered as a Republican or if you need to change your registration.
5. Know who you will vote for in the presidential poll.
6. Be prepared to speak in favor of your preferred presidential candidate.
7. Bring money or checks for donations and county/district/state convention. GOP county convention will be Saturday, March 14. The fee is $35. If you want to register for both county and state, the fee is $100 - a $20 savings.
8. Be prepared to sign candidate nomination petitions.
9. Write out any platforms you wish to propose.
10. Be prepared to speak about your platform proposal.